About Calvus Consultancy

Our name Calvus Consultancy stams from the cumulonimbus calvus, a tall cloud with rounded tops. The cloud symbolizes our ability to help you achieve your goals.

We are specialized in research into the aviation industry. Our team consists of economists, legal specialists, ex-pilots, politicians, social scientists and technicians.

We study effects of aviation on social, economic and environmental topics. We do so for local, regional and national governments, for residents groups and for environmental protection organizations.

Our studies are published in research reports that are recognized as innovative and fresh.

But just a report won’t help you achieve your goals. Therefore we support you in translating the scientific stuff in real life information.

We’ll help you to present our findings to your stakeholders, politicians and media. An outstanding public affairs team helps you translate our research into your achievements.

Just mail us at service@calvusconsultancy.nl.